Placement Options

IOP or PHP Programs
Day Boarding Schools
Junior Boarding Schools
Traditional All Girls Boarding Schools
Traditional All Boys Boarding Schools
Mental Health and Psychiatric Evaluation 
Schools for Individuals with Specialized Disabilities
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Schools and Programs for Students with Autism
Day School Placement
Our Approach
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Programs for Children with Autism
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Summer Internship Programs and International Placement

Coeducational Boarding Schools

The Knox School

Knox is a private co-educational boarding near Long Island and has a college prep program for domestic and international students. Long Island is a secluded area and provides the comfort of being close to New York but far away from the busy life of living in the city. Students are from many countries and backgrounds. Virginia Riccardi is the current Heard of School. The school has been around since 1904. Classes are smaller and they have a day and boarding school curriculum. The Knox School is a small boarding school.

St Margaret's School

St Magaret's School is a private boarding school for grades 9-12 located in Tappahannock/Virginia this all-girls boarding school is one of the best in Virginia and we have a close relationship with this school. We lived in Virginia and know most of the boarding and day schools in Virginia.

The Oliverian School

The Oliverian School is a co-educational college preparatory boarding school located in New Hampshire. The grade level is 9-12. We have toured the school and understand its philosophy and focus. Students enrolled at this school live on campus and have a strong academic and nontraditional focus on daily living and increasing academic success. program that focuses on transitioning from high school to college. Call us to learn more

The Oliverian School
Lawrenceville School

The Lawrenceville School is a coeducational preparatory school for boarding and day students located in the Lawrenceville section of Lawrence Township, in Mercer County, New Jersey, United States. Lawrenceville is a member of the Eight Schools Association, Ten Schools Admissions Organization, and a former member of the G20 Schools group.


We provide support to parents in helping them understand small boarding schools and the difference between small and larger boarding schools. The difference can be in size and gender, depending on the requirements of the school. As consultants, we help parents understand this difference and the application process which is offered to domestic and international students.

Westtown School

Westtown School is a Quaker boarding and day school consisting of the lower and upper school grades for students from around the world. This school has its roots in the Quaker traditions. This is a traditional boarding and day school located in on the East Coast.

St Paul's Academy

St Paul's is a co-educational boarding school providing academic support for students arond the world this school was visited by our consultant a few years ago.

St Paul's Academy
Canterbury School

This is a co-educational boarding school located in CT. The school provides academic support and extensive extracurricular programs for boys and girls.

Putney School

The Putney School is a coeducational boarding school located in New England. Putney has a excellent curriculm for domestic iand international students.

Choate Rosemary School

Choate is a co-educational boarding school. One of the top boarding schools in CT, Chage has an excellent reputation and competitive program for students entering college. This is a very competitive school for boarding schools.

Choate Rosemary School
Mansfield Hall

Mansfield Hall is a co-educational boarding school providing academic support for girls and boys all ages from lower to upper school placement, We work with this school in lower and upper grades.

The Master School

The Master's School is a coeducational day and boarding school located outside New York City. We have toured this school years ago and are very familiar with the curriculum and academic strengths. The campus is large and accommodation's very close to the city.

The Pennington School

The Pennington School is a private boarding school outside of New Jersey. This is a coeducational boarding school with focus on academics and preparation for college.


TMI Episcopal is one of the top boarding schools in Austin Texas it has a coeducational curriculum with domestic and international students. While its location seems a bit odd to other trinational boarding schools this is one of the best schools located in the Southwest in Austin Texas.

Lawrenceville School

The Lawrenceville School is a coeducational preparatory school for boarding and day students located in the Lawrenceville section of Lawrence Township, in Mercer County, New Jersey, United States. Lawrenceville is a member of the Eight Schools Association, Ten Schools Admissions Organization, and a former member of the G20 Schools group.

Lawrenceville School
Cushing Academy

We provide support to parents in helping them understand small boarding schools and the difference between small and larger boarding schools. The difference can be in size and gender, depending on the requirements of the school. As consultants, we help parents understand this difference and the application process which is offered to domestic and international students.


Hotchkiss is a traditional co-educational boarding school located in Lakeview Connecticut. We have tour this schouul and famila with the campus the students and the curriculum. This school offers multiple courses and athletic activities ins a wonder campus fit for domestic and international students,

Millbrook School

Millbrook School is a top-rated, co-educational, private, boarding school located in MILLBROOK, NY. It has 329 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 8 to 1. Tuition is $71,975 for the highest grade offered. After graduation, 100% of students from this school go on to attend a 4-year college.

The Stoneybrook School

The Stony Brook School is an independent college preparatory Christian boarding school (grades 7-12) that exists to challenge young men and women to know Jesus Christ as Lord. Founded in 1922 with the motto "Character Before Career," The Stony Brook School educates students in matters of the mind, body, and heart. Students are challenged to become leaders with integrity and virtue; character development is considered an essential component of the educational process. While students are presented with the truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Wayland Academy

Wayland Academy is a traditional boarding school located in Wisconsin. this is a mid-western boarding school and we have met with them to discuss the curriculum and student success. Typically students at Wayland are looking for a traditional boarding school with support in learning.

Vermont Academy

Vermont Academy is a traditional boarding school located near Burlington Vermont this is a small boarding school and has an international student population along with domestic student enrollment. The school has a large campus and has a college preparatory program.

Milton Academy

Milton Academy is a co-educational boarding school. Considered one of the premier boarding schools in New England its has domestic and international students.

Milton Academy
Tabs (The Association Of Boarding Schools)

This is a professional association that provides membership to boarding schools and educational consultants. They have annual conferences and support boarding schools nationwide. We attend these conferences and meet with schools both day and boarding schools.

Pacific Prrepatrory

Pacific Preparatory is a truly unique education experience, offering completely customized, one-on-one learning for K-12 students, virtually. This online school provides help to students of all grade levels. This is a unique school as it offers online learning

Peddu Boarding And Day School

This is a co-education boarding and day school which is co-educational and provides educational opportunities from early graadres through high school.

Berkshire School

Berkshire School is a co-ed boarding and day school for students grades 9-12 and post-graduates. The 400-acre campus is located at the base of Mount Everett (2,624 ft.) in Sheffield, Massachusetts, in the heart of the Berkshire Hills, a popular tourist destination for world-renowned arts and culture, health and wellness retreats and spectacular nature, including the Appalachian Trail, which is a short hike from campus.


Day Boarding Schools

Day Boarding Schools

We provide placement in day schools. These schools are generally on campus either at a day school or perhaps a boarding school but they are private schools not public schools. Our consultant will work with your family in these setting with your child. Generally these schools range from K-12.

Schools We Work With

Annie Wright Schools serves students ages three through high school. Annie Wright Lower and Middle Schools offer co-ed programs in Preschool through Grade 8, while separate Upper Schools for boys and girls offer day and boarding options in Grades 9 through 12. Annie Wright is proud to be an International Baccalaureate World School, delivering IB programs in every division.

About Us
Greenhill School

Greenhill School is an independent day school We work with parents and students grades K-12. This school is one of the many days schools we work with parents. This school is located in Texas.

Greenhill School
Darlington School

This is a traditional boarding school located outside of Atlanta. Darlington School is a co-ed, private boarding high school (grades 9-12) and day school (pre-K to 12) in Rome, Georgia

Darlington School
Proctor Academy

Proctor is a well-known boarding school located in New England. Proctor Academy is a diverse and supportive learning community that values individual growth and potential. It offers academic rigor, experiential learning, athletics, arts, …

Proctor Academy
Oxford Academy

Oxford Academy is a private co-educational boarding school providing a pre-college program for grades 9-12 This school is located in Westbrook Connecticut.

Oxford Academy
Indian Mountain School

Indian Mountain School is a private day and boarding school located in Lewisville, Connecticut. This school has a wonderful campus with students from all over the world. Considered one the best boarding schools in New England it has Pre-K thought lower grades for students. We have toured the school and spoken to staff and students, Our blog is below

Indian Mountain School
The Webb School

The Webb School is a co educational boarding and Day school outside Nashville in Brllbuckle Tennessee. The school is highly acclaimed as one of the best schools in Nashville.

The Webb School
St Mark's School Of Texas

St Marks is a private day school in Texas. The school is co-educational and provides academic support for students. This is a traditional day school for students.

The Epispocal School in New York

This is a privet school located in New York and has early childhoods to upper school and is considered a day school.

The Epispocal School in New York
Small Boarding Schools

List all the schools which are small boarding schools under this listing. I will send the list from this page to be placed under the same category as traditional boarding schools. The association will be added to the services page under this category,

Mapel Brook

Mapel Brook is a small coeducational boarding school located in Amenia, New York it provides admission for adolescents and young adults and students with learning differences. This school is in New Yolk which has manly of the best schools in the country US.

Mapel Brook
The Association for Small Boarding Schools

The Small Boarding School Association is a non-profit professional association that provides support for small boarding schools and this organization is collectively involved in supporting one another in the Small Boararind School industry there are professional and associate members.

Small Boarding Schools
The Greenwood School

The Greenwood School is a small co-educational boarding and day school offering support for students with learning differences located in Vermont. Students who might need help in a small boarding or day school are a perfect fit for the Greenwood School.

Gould Boarding School

Gould Boarding School is a traditional boarding school located in Maine. Maine is on the eastern seaboard of the United States and the many traditional boarding school are located in several states in New England. Grades are 9-12.

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Good Shepard Episcopal School

This is a private day school located in Austin Texas providing lower grade education for elementary school students.

Good Shepard Episcopal School
SRT Andrews Episcopal School

This is a private day school located in Austin Texas; they provide K-12 curriculum for students throughout Texas.

Srt Andrews Episcopal School
South Kent School

South Kent School is a traditional all-boys boarding school located in Kent, Connecticut. this school as a traditional preogram that is tailored to young men in grades 9-12.

Phillip's Andover

Phillips Andover is a traditional high-end boarding school located in New England this school has an excellent rating as one of the top boarding schools in New England. This school is a co-educational boarding school.

The Orme School

The Orme School is a traditional boarding school located in Arizona providing help for students looking at traditional boarding schools in the southwest. Orme has a co-education campus with dorms for girls and boys. The school is nestled in the central region of southern Arizona with a college preparatory program.

Scottsdale Country Day School

This is a private day school located in Scottsdale Arizona. They provide upper and lower grades at this school located outside Phoenix.

St Andrews Episcopal

St Andrew's Episcopal is a day and boarding school for students' greed's K-12 located in Auston Texas. As a graduate of a university in Texas, this school has a range of academic services for all grades and ages.

St Andrews Episcopal
ST Marks Episcopal Day School

This is a private day school. located in Austin Texas for lower grade students.

St Marks Episcopal Day School

Junior Boarding Schools

Junior Boarding Schools

Junior boarding schools offer boarding opportunities for students in grades eight or lower. Some boarding schools focus exclusively on the junior boarding experience (and offer only junior boarding grades), while others provide both junior and college-prep boarding grades. View a list of junior boarding schools. In this brief video, Kim Loughlin explains why a junior boarding school might be an excellent educational option for your child.

Junior Boarding Schools
The Junior Boarding Schools Association

The Junior Boarding Schools Association is a member affiliation association to all junior boarding schools and membership to this abacination is given to specific schools affiliated to junior boarding schools.

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Traditional Boarding Schools 

Traditional Boarding Schools . What Is It All About?

We provide the direction and support needed to help your child in the placement in a boarding school. These schools are where students live on campus and have supervision by staff and dorm parents. Traditional boarding schools have admission requirements and vary in age, grade level and gender.

Traditional Boarding School : What is All About?
The Ross School

The Ross School is a K -12 day school located in New York. We work with families in placement in these types of schools located in New York. Students come from all states and abroad.

The Ross School
Lake Tahoe Prep

Lake Tahoe Prep is a co-educational boarding school located in Olympia, California We work with this school to help parents looking at a strong academic support boarding school for girls and boys.

Princeton International School of Math and Science

Princeton International School of Math and Science is one of the top STEM programs in the country recruiting students from all over the country and abroad.

Princeton International School of Math and Science
Wasatch Academy

Wasatch Academy is a co-educational boarding school in Southern Utah. We work with parents and families in placement in this school. This school goes from grades 9-12

Wasatch Academy
Storm King School

The Storm King School is a premier boarding school located in Hudson New York. This is one of the many schools that toured before on our New York Boarding school tour. This is a great school for college preparatory and also has a great program to post graduate entering college. Many of the colleges know about Storm King with it reputation for graduating excellent student.

Compass Rose

Compass Rose Academy provides a fresh start for students, both therapeutically and academically. With access to an onsite private accredited Christian school, students are assigned a course schedule to help put them back on track with the ultimate goal of returning home. Small class sizes, supportive adults, and the project-based learning model help students regain the confidence they need in order to be successful in a classroom environment.

Compass Rose
The Master's School

The Master's School is one of the top boarding schools in Dobbs Ferry New York, We have been to the school and are familiar with the curriculum it ranks as a plus school among the boarding schools with a competitive curriculum leading to college and multiple activities on campus. This is a co-educational boarding school ranging in grades 9-12, This is a day and boarding school for families looking at a traditional boarding school where uniforms are required for students this is a great school for those who understand boarding.

Learn more from The HeHad of School
Thomas Jefferson

Thoams Jefferson is a traditional co-educational boarding school located in St Louis Missouri, providing an excellent educational experience for grades 9-12.

Thomas Jefferson
Hoosac School

Hoosac School is one of the many small boarding schools located in New York. The school provides a great opportunity for students in a co-educational setting.

Hoosac School
Choate Rosemary

Choate is one the top boarding schools in the country with a very highly competitive academic pre-college program and equally supportive faculty and staff. Founded in 1890 this school is one the the best co-educational boarding schools in the country.

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Avon Old Farms

This is a small boarding school located in Avon Connecticut it's one of the many boarding schools in Connecticut. Many call it a small boarding school due to its size. We have toured the school and know the curriculum and the staff.

Avon Old Farms
White Mountain School

White Moimtaom is a traditional co-educational boarding school located in Bethelem New Hampshire. This school has grades 9-12 and provides a college preparatory program for students both domestically and internationally. We work with families at the New England School.

The White Mountain School
Cheshire Academy

Founded in 1794, Cheshire Academy is a coed college preparatory boarding and day school for students in grades 9-PG. The historic 104-acre campus is nestled in the bucolic but central town of Cheshire, Conn., just two hours from both Boston and New York City. With 343 students from 14 states and 27 countries, We have toured the campus and met with faculty and staff. Connecticut has many boarding schools but this is one of our favorites.

Cheshire Academy
The Oliverian School

The Oliverian School is a traditional boarding school located in New Hampshire. This school is set in a rural community of New Hampshire and has a terrific program for students who are eclectic and curious. The gardens are 9-12 and some students come from the wilderness to this program and experience terrific success.

Fredrick Gunn School

The Fredick Gun School is a co-educational boarding school. The school was previously called the Gunnery School and now has changed its name. This is a boarding and day school and has accommodation for both students in grades 9-12/ The school offer pre-college courses and has domestic and international students.

Fredrick Gunn School
Piney Woods

Piney Woods is the oldest historically black boarding school located in Mississippi. This school has a wonderful history for families domestically and internationally, We have included this school in our new parent guide which describes all of the historical ally black colleges and universities. Piney Woods started at a time when segregation was a part of the old South and the school developed from a boarding school community that did not allow students of color to attend more affluent boarding schools in the South. Out of this boarding school developed historically black colleges and universities.

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Tilton Boarding School

Tilton is a co-educational boarding school located in New Hampshire. The school has excellent academic preparation for college students in a pre-college curriculum. The athletic program is equally impressive, with competition for both boys and girls.

Darrow School

Darrow is a co-educational small boarding school located in Massachusetts college-bound co-educational boarding school we have toured the campus and know the school well. The school has an excellent curriculum

Darrow School
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Marvelwood is a traditional co-educational boarding school for grades 9-12. Our consultant knows Mlarvelwookd and has been to Connecticut with other consultants visiting the campus. The school offers a college preparatory program with support for students with learning differences

The Village Shcool

The Village School is a day and international boarding school located in Houston Texas in the heart of the oil country in Texas. The day school is for lower grades and the upper school is for grades 9-12. We work with this school which is conveniently located in the Southwest.

Oak Hiill School

Oak Hill school is a traditional co-educational boarding school located near Marion Virginia it has domestic and international students offering a college preparatory curriculum from 9-12 grade. They have an international student and domestic student population in the foothills of Southwest Virginia. We lived there for 5 years

Phillips Exeter Acacdemy

Phillips Exeter is one of the oldest and most prestigious boarding schools in New England. Located in Eter New Hampshire this educational boarding school is distinguished as one of the best boarding schools in New Hampshire serving domestic and international students. The curriculum is rigorous and has many classes focused on IB curriculum including a great art, theatre,, music, athletic, and academic pre-college program. The school is co-educational and accepts both girls and boys in the program.

Proctor Academy

Proctor Academy is a co co-educational traditional boarding school We work with the faculty and staff at the school and have visited and toured the school.

Buxton School

Buxton is a co-educational boarding school located in Williamstown Massachusetts. We have tours Buxton and have know many of the retired staff members as well as the new faculty members. Buxton has an excellent learning enviroment for student in fine arts in community service, and personal development. Students perform community services and even travel abroad.

Buxton School
Simons Rock at Bard

Simons Rock at Bard is a unique learning experience offering classes leading to a degree program and offering unique opportunity for college entry,

Simons Rock at Bard

Traditional All Girls Boarding Schools

Ethel Walker School

Ethel Walker is a girls' traditional boarding and day school located outside Baltimore, Maryland this school offers a very good arts program and college prep program for girls. The school is listed as a small boarding school

Miss Hall's School

Miss Hall's School is a traditional small boarding school for girls located in Pittsfield, Massachusetts We know this school well and have toured and visited the campus, The school is very familiar with our consultant and is considered a small boarding school for girls with international students and a great curriculum for girls.

Miss Hall School
West Over

West Over is an independent day and boarding school located in Middlebury Connecticut. The school is specifically an all-girls boarding school. We have toured the school and know the faculty and staff at this college preparatory school for girls. This school has multiple activities for girls which include sports, fine arts, creative arts, and music, among other subjects. They also have AP courses.

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St Mary's Academy

St. Mary's Academy is an all-girls private school located in Louisiana. This is historically an all-girls school for girrls of color supported by the Catholic church. St. Mary’s School opened its doors on Chartres Street in New Orleans under the leadership of Mother Josephine Charles. Located in New Orleans this school provides a unique education for black girls.


Sola is an internationally known boarding school for african girls and provides courses in english for these girls. The taliban does not allow girls to go to school beyond grade 6 and this school located in africa is a unique setting where girls are safe and protected. Many of the girls here are refugees and have protection in africa leading to higher education.

Miss Porters School

Miss Porters' is one of the oldest boarding schools in New England having girls in grades 91-2 this school is an excellent choice for parents. We work with Miss Porters and Miss Hall in all girl's boarding placements.

Miss Porters is a traditional all-girls boarding school located in Massachusetts. This school has domestic and international students.

Miss Porters
Emma Willard School

Emma Willard School is an all-girls traditional boarding school one of the oldest all-girls schools in the country. This is an elite boarding school for girls that has a wonderful campus life and matriculation to some of the top colleges in the country. Some of the more famous girls attending this school include Jane Fonda and Eunice Foot. Elizabeth Katy head of the woman's;s suffrage movement.

Fox Croft School

Fox Croft School is an all-girls traditional boarding school located in Virginia. The grade level is 9-12 with a very good curriculum preparing girls for college. The school is located in Virginia.

Cascade Academy

Cascade Academy is a therapeutic residential treatment program for girls ages 13-17 years of age suffering from depression and anxiety. The admission team includes highly qualified personnel including academics, and therapeutic programming combined with an outstanding support staff. The ability to do both intakes and measure the progress of the girls is outstanding in this clinical residential setting.

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Traditional All Boys Boarding Schools

Georgetown Preparatory

Georgetown Prep was founded in 1789, Georgetown Preparatory School is America’s oldest Catholic boarding and day school for young men in grades 9 through 12, and the only Jesuit boarding school.

Trinity Pawling School

Trinity-Pawling is an all-boys boarding school located outside New York. We have also toured this school and understand its curriculum and the need to have an all-boys boarding school. Sports and athletics are a great part of the school with traditional uniforms. Boys come from the US and other countries in this prestigious boarding school for boys.

Trinity Pawling School
Blue Ridge Boarding School

We help boys in placement in boarding. Blue Ridge School is a boarding school for boys ages 11-17 located in Virginia it's a very supportive program for ages 13-17. Grades 9-12 is the grade level, depending on the age and grade level of the student. We work with parents and the students to achieve academic success. Blue Ridge has a strong athletic program and we understand the admission process to the final goal of graduation. Blue Ridge accepts domestic and international students. We work with the school on testing to improve grade level.

Woodbury Forest School

Woodberry Forest is an all-boys traditional boarding school. Since the prep school’s founding in 1889, Woodberry Forest has sought to develop young men of intellectual thoroughness and principled integrity equipped with the capacity and eagerness to serve as leaders, learners, and citizens. Consistent with the historical founding of the school on Christian principles, they aspire to instill in every boy a deep sense of empathy, an enduring self-confidence buttressed by genuine humility, and an enthusiastic pursuit of lifelong learning marked by curiosity and adaptability

Woodbury Forest School

Boarding Schools for Students with Learning Differences

Maple Lake Academy

Maple Lake Academy is a program for students who have autism or are on  the spectrum. The school is located in Spanish Forks, Utah.

Maple Lake Academy
The Gow School

The Gow School is a co-educational boarding school for students with learning differences with dysgraphia or language-based learning differences. Students are boys and girls and look more like a traditional boarding school helping students with dyslexia or dysgraphia achieve academic success. We have been to the school and know the staff and the faculty, All staff are trained in Orton Gilliam techniques, We follow student entering and transferring into other schools

The Gow School
Riverview School

Riverview is a co-educational boarding school working students with language-based learning differences in Caoep Cod Massachusetts. We have toured the school and spoken to all the staff about this wonderful school for students with dyslexia or any language-based learning difference.

Hampshire Country School

Hampshire is a full-time day school located in New Hampshire it is a school designed for children with ADD ADHD and other related learning differences.

Hampshire Country School

Groton is a private independent boarding school. providing both domestic and nsternationl students a wealth of kenowledge aind information for preparing for college.

Boarding Schools For Students With Learning Differences

We offer to help parents with children with learning differences. This might include ADD or ADHD. Boarding schools for students with learning differences and funding a school really depends on the needs of the student. Therefore we need to identify those needs before making a recommendation.

The Forman School

The Forman School is a private co-educational boarding school that works with students with learning differences, This school is located in Litchfield, Connecticut, and has a college predatory focus. This school has a specific focus on students with learning differences including dyslexia and other learning challenges. We have toured this school for parents to know that we understand the school and its mission.

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West-Mark is a co-educational day school located in Encino California This school transforms learning for students with dyslexia, providing the support needed for special needs students. Students attending this school are both male and female.

College Internship Progam

The College Internship Program (CIP) is a private young adult transition program for individuals 18-26 with autism, ADHD, and other learning differences offering comprehensive and specialized services. The centers are around the country and offer are convenient help for students with learning differences. The College Internship Program (CIP) is a private young adult transition program for individuals 18-26 with autism, ADHD, and other learning differences offering comprehensive and specialized services. These centers are around the United States.