We are a clinically driven and highly integrated consultant practice. We provide a wide variety of services by our consultant helping parents children and young adults through adults. Our services are individualized to help families navigate the process of addressing their children, adolescents, and young adults, adults. mental health needs. Our consultant specializes in working with special needs children through adults.
Our support is key to helping your child and your entire family work through the complexities of family life. We provide individualized counseling and testing. parent counseling for our families including an array of services to help your entire family, and child with academic and mental health challenges. Our placement option is to direct parents to the right program or school to strengthen the family unit.
"We are all doing well. Andy will graduate from Hugh School In this June. Rachael will have completed one year of college. Hopefully, she will apply and get accepted to a school in the North East. As that's are area she would love to study in college.".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Parent In Austin
“My son was doing great at my last visit. I am pleased with his progress at the academy. He took his SAT and scored very well. He is looking at Arizona State University and California Polytechnic University. Thank you so much for everything! I just recommended you to a friend of mine.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Parent In Sedona
"We had no idea about hiring an educational consultant until we found you. We would recommend your services to any parent. Our daughter has made a complete change and is now attending a private school in Virginia."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Parent In San Diego
Our website is a treasure trove of information on schools, the positive role an educational consultant can play with your family, how to schedule an appointment, learning about our fees and services, and answering those specific frequently asked questions that are important to you as a parent or hearing testimonials by other parents. We want you to find our website easy to find answers to all your questions about our services or learning about a school decision process. We recommend you check our FAQs
✔️Can you help my child who is suffering from anxiety or depression?
✔️ Do you think counseling is needed?
✔️ Are they getting into fights, with siblings and arguments with his father is this a sign of a problem?
✔️Do you work with children who are expressing self-harm?
✔️Does bullying lead to problems with children today? My son or daughter is becoming increasingly withdrawn. Can you services help?
✔️My daughter is looking at attending a private girls' school can you help my family?
✔️My child has ADD and ADHD Attention Deficit Disorder or Hyperactivity Disorder Do you work with these students?
✔️Do you work with students with an eating disorder, anorexia, or bulimia?
✔️My son or daughter is failing in school, and do you help these students?
✔️My child is having issues with gender identity. Sexually acting out? Do you work with these students?
✔️My child is complaining about homework? Can your services help my child?
✔️Are they not talking, and you cannot figure out what's wrong?
✔️Are they lying or stealing or engaging in arguments at home?
We can improve their grades in school and provide direction toward academic success
We can guide each parent in the selection of the schools which best meet their needs.
We can provide support and help with your child dealing with depression and anxiety
We can help stabilize your child who might have a learning difference or challenge
We can help your child facing bullying at school or issues related to gender identity.
We can help with the needed support to address their IEP or 504 plan in the home school.
We can provide follow up after discharge from a program and work together with the treatment team in discharge planning
All of these behaviors are very common in children, adolescents, and young adults these days, and we can help your family and your child at Educational Planning & Counseling Services. Education is widely accepted as one of the most important decisions in the life of your child. Why should you let your finances dictate whether or not they get a good education? Why allow your child not to get the help they need, when you recognize they have a problem? The selection of a school by a parent or paren...More
The process of working with your child is not unique to our consultant. The first step in your child's educational trajectory is a critical one and Educational Planning and Counseling Services is ready to help from day one. Whether your child is a struggling teen or not attending school or in their senior year of high school and failing. We can help with looking for a college so they are prepared and we are ready to assist. Our range of services provides a unique opportunity for students and this helps st...More


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